Thursday, August 18, 2011


I have a NEW blog page at

(I will no longer be blogging on this site. Tumblr suites my blogging goals better.) 

Please visit my NEW blog page and share it with your friends!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stressful?...That depends on your point of view

When I tell people about my weekly, or even daily schedule, they often respond sympathetically. I think that is because they misunderstand. I absolutely love being too busy to breathe...It makes me feel at least like I am doing something productive in my life, and fortunately, everything I do benefits me and/or others :) Most are even good for my resumé.

That being said, I am not some crazy supergirl. Sure, I get stressed out sometimes. I have no down time right now, and with 18 hours of classes (and homework), sometimes I feel a little bit overwhelmed. But that has more to do with my obligations to other people, rather than my schedule. So many people are so good to me, and I want to do as much as I can for everyone, along with everything else I am doing..But there are not always enough hours in a day :/  I can honestly say I do the best I can. And that's all I can do :) I do love my life <3

Here is my general schedule:

Tuesday and Thurdsay
5:30am leave my house
(drive 3 hours to Boone in time to catch the bus to campus)
9:30am-4:45pm classes, then take the bus back to my apartment
5:30pm leave Boone to drive back home
8:30pm-10pm go to the end of rehearsal for Evita

Monday, Wednesday and Friday
9am-1pm babysit my grandfather
(12pm-12:30pm songwriting lesson on Mondays)
1pm-6pm work at the yoga studio
6pm-10pm rehearsal for Evita

Saturday and Sunday
6:30am/8am-1pm work at the yoga studio
1pm-until.. rehearsal for Evita

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Old Myspace Post

I posted this bulletin called " ******** is soooo stupid!!!" in 2007...I really posted this. (Name has been removed for the protection of the person.) But, it's soooo funny because they're all true stories!!!!!

reason number 1: she just gagged from smelling her own armpits

reason number 2: she told me to tell people that

reason number 3: story time- someone left her a myspace message earlier today and they used a word she did not know the definition of. So, a few minutes ago, says to me, "What does 'integration' mean?" I tell her, "I don't know. Why?" and she said, "Cause someone messageded me and said 'dude it's been like 5 or 6're gonna be a senior right? INTEGRATION!' but i don't know what it means." So I go to to find the definition. I read to her, "an act or instance of integrating a racial, religious, or ethnic group." So she said, "that doesn't make any sense...wait, how did you spell it? cause I remember how he spelled it: i-n-t-e-r-r-o-g-a-t-i-o-n." HAHAHAHA....i laughed pretty hard.

reason number 4: she thinks that instead boobie traps and cock roaches we should have cock traps and boob roaches

reason number 5: she thinks that she is unable to sign her name on paper be cause her ankle is sprained. ......? ya got me with that one..

reason number 6: she just drooled and is now crying and hyperventilating because i just read this aloud...and she knows it's all true.

reason number 7: when she was 12 years old, she peed in a red chair cause she laughed so hard

reason number 8: she's about to do it again

reason number 9: last christmas, she tried return a scarf cause she said it was too tight

reason number 10: the other day she asked why Asia got to be a country, but the United States had to be continent...? yeah that one's got me too..

reason number 11: a few weeks ago, her mom asked her to get the cookies out of the oven, and ran into the kitchen when she heard her scream. Her mom asked her what was wrong, and she was crying on the floor saying she burnt herself...her mom suddenly realized she had tried to use her bare hand to take the cookies out.

these are all true stories..and there's like 1000 more.

WOW....good times, good times.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Spring 2011 Class Schedule

Tuesdays and Thursdays
9:30am-10:45am: Business Writing (3 hours)
11:00am-12:15pm: Business & Economic Statistics I (3 hours)
12:30pm-1:45pm: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 hours)
2:00pm-3:15pm: Principles of Accounting II (3 hours)
3:30pm-4:45pm: Principles of Marketing (3 hours)

CIS-Computing Effectiveness (3 hours)

Total Hours: 18

Yayy, I'm excited :):):)

Monday, November 22, 2010

SOOO can't wait!!

Okay, so...It's Monday, and I have about four more classes left today...

Tomorrow is Tuesday, and I only have one class before THANKSGIVING BREAK!!! I am so ready for a break and to go home!!!....

Wednesday and Thursday, I'm going to be at my mom's house for the holiday :):) ...

Friday, I'm going back home...

Saturday and Sunday is the OPEN HOUSE for my mom's brand new Hot Asana Yoga Studio & Boutique where I will soon be working!!!

Then I have about one week of classes before Winter Break!!! Oh man...soooo excited!!

Next semester, I will be studying in my new major, on a fast-track (or, normal track) to graduation. I'm also hoping to be cast in the show I just auditioned for, which will be in February... :):)

I like change.  I think this will be a good one.

Anyways, time for Intro to World Music :P